Bhutan is a small landlocked country located in South Asia on the lap of the great Himalayas. It has its neighbors as India, China. Bhutan has for centuries remained isolated from the rest of the world. Ever since its doors were opened in 1974, visitors from different parts of the worlds have come to this country to behold its great natural beauty and have also been mesmerized by the beauty of nature, the pristine environment, the scenery and also the historical architecture in the country.

Bhutan is almost an ideal country for the foreign tourists to indulge in natural sightseeing and explore the wonderful country full of natural wonders. Bhutan is exclusive in its natural beauty and the travelers who come to travel and explore this country will have the chance to discover the wonders of nature, experience the thrill of trekking in the subcontinent. Bhutan is a blissful nation situated in the core of the great Himalayas. However, as stated earlier, Bhutan has remained isolated for many years from the outside world and it is only recently that Bhutan has begun to attract tourists and foreigners for travel and tour purpose.

The West to East Tour of the especially designed Bhutan Explore Tour will lead the outsiders or the tourists to cross the nation along the highways in the side by providing the example of cultural groups of Drukpas, diverse in their own traditional vernacular and the way of their life. Bhutan Explore Tour is one of the best ways to explore the beautiful nation.

The major highlights of Bhutan Explore Tour arethe National Museum, Kyichu Lhakhang, Dungtse Lhakhang, Taktsang Monastery. These are some of the magnificent monasteries of Bhutan and they are no less than the treasure of the country. Moreover, during the course of the Bhutan Explore Tour, you will also have the chance to explore Dzongs, the Memorial Chortens built during the reign of the 3rd king of the Bhutan which has its own importance. Bumthang Valley is the one of the most attractive valleys in Bhutan and hence it remains as one of the major highlights of the Bhutan Tour. Other highlighting aspects of Bhutan Tour are the Meber Tso (The Flaming Lake), and divine Ura Valley and other Dzongs built during the medieval period. 
